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Show 30X100
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Show 30X100

07.02.2025 - 07.02.2025

30per100 combines the ‘novels on a page’ of Giorgio Manganelli's Centuria with Bach's Goldberg Variations, creating an encounter between literature, music and comedy. Gioele Dix brings his brilliant stage presence, while Ramin Bahrami adds his virtuosity on the piano, in a show that combines fun and depth with lightness.
Subscriptions for 9 shows cost 130 euros (full price) and 110 euros (reduced price) and can be purchased at the Jesolo Public Library or on vivaticket.com:
- Renewals: 16-23 October
- Changes: 24-25 October
- New purchases: 26 October-6 November (excluding 1 November).
Tickets: 25/20 euros for some shows, 20/18 euros for others. Reductions for under 25 and over 60. Advance sales from 26 October for non-subscription shows and from 31 October for the theatre season. Evening sales at Teatro Vivaldi from 8.00 to 8.50 pm. No admission after the start of the performance.

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